Mortality Risk Analysis Dashboard

Mortality Risk Analysis Dashboard

According to predictions from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Indonesia, by 2019, Indonesia's population will reach 266.9 million people with details of 134 million men and 132.8 million women. In addition, the estimated number of deaths in 2019 reached 1.6 million people and will continue to increase to reach 3.2 million people in 2045. With population mortality on the rise, it is important to understand the impact on health services and mortality risks. Analysis of health facility locations and JKN-KIS membership profiles will show the availability of services and the extent of community access to health services, especially in cases of diseases that require referrals and more complicated diagnoses. This study is expected to provide in-depth insight into the factors that influence mortality risk and quality of health services in Indonesia. Thus, it can provide a basis for better policy decision-making in improving health systems and services.

The objective of this project was to minimize the risk of death by analyzing the location of health facilities in cases of illness that require referral, disease diagnosis, and JKN-KIS membership profile.

Project information

  • Category Business Dashboard
  • Client BPJS Kesehatan
  • Project date 30 September, 2023
  • Project URL