Employee Attrition Data Analysis
Employee Attrition Data Analysis
Attrition is a common problem in the Human Resources department. A high attrition rate might have a significant impact on the company's growth. Several things may cause an employee to quit the current company they are in. Such as low pay, career stuck, bad work environment, and many others. This all leads to one word, “Satisfaction”.
By knowing the employee's satisfaction in doing their job. We might prevent them from leaving the company. Giving the right action to solve a problem that matters to them is key to making them stay.
The data analysis goal for this project is to identify various factors that influence the attrition rate. Aside from that, we will create a business dashboard to monitor these several factors.
Project information
- Category Data Analysis & Business Dashboard
- Client Purwadhika Digital Technology School
- Project date 11 June, 2024
- Project URL www.github.com
- Dashboard www.public.tableau.com
- Full Article www.medium.com